God wants us to be reconciled with him

Our main text will be 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Reconciliation happens when two parties are not in good terms. Sin broke our relationship with God and separated us from Him. God in his love and mercy does not want anyone to perish in sin, for the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). It is not us who initiated this plea of reconciliation, but God who loves us and wants everyone restored back to Him.

Through Christ, God was and is not in the business of counting peoples sins against them, but rather cancelling their sins v 19, (to all those who put their faith in Jesus, and accept him as saviour) and reconciling the world to himself. In deed this is great love!

There is only one remedy through which our relationship with God can be restored – only through Christ, who shed his blood as atonement for our sins. Christ who knew no sin became sin on our behalf (judicially) so that in Him we would become the righteousness of God (that is, we would be made acceptable to Him and placed in a right relationship with Him by His gracious loving-kindness).

Today, by coming to Christ (that is being grafted in him and joined to him by faith as your saviour); you can become a new creature (reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit). All old things (the previous moral and spiritual condition) will pass away and you become a new creature (spiritually awakened with new life in Jesus) – Reconciled with God.

When we come to Christ he gives us the ministry of reconciliation (so that by our example we might bring others to Him, just as we have come to know him), and commits to us the message of reconciliation (restoration to favour with God).

Those in Christ are his ambassadors (Christ’s representatives), as though God were making His appeal (of reconciling the world) through them.  As Christ ambassadors, we are prompted to take the message of reconciliation to a dying world – that God cancels all sins for those who put their faith in Jesus Christ.

Today, as an ambassador of Christ, I am making an appeal to you wherever and in whatever state you are in, that it is possible to be reconciled back to God. You can start a new life, and find the meaning of life in Christ. Sin will no longer have power over you. Sin speaks against us.

Say a prayer like this: Dear loving father, thank you for loving me and not counting my sins against me. Today I put my faith in your son Jesus because I want to be reconciled with you and become a new person (spiritually reborn form above). Forgive me all my sins, receive me back and fill me with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name I pray. AMEN.

If you made such a prayer, kindly write to me at info@giveasmiletoday.org

I will be glad to help you grow in your faith.

Written by Stephen.

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