Why is the Cross so vital to me?

I want to encourage you to live near the Cross. This may seem strange, for a terrible death took place at the Cross and nearly everyone abandoned Jesus. But, the nearer we are to the Cross, the closer we are to a place of victory (1 Corinthians 15: 54).
At the Cross:
– Jesus was *punished* that we might be *forgiven* (Isaiah 53: 4–5).
– Jesus was *wounded* that we might be *healed* (Isaiah 53: 4–5).
– Jesus suffered *death* that we might be given new *life* (Hebrews 2: 9, Romans 6:4).
– Jesus took our *poverty* that we might have *abundance* (2 Corinthians 8: 9).
– Jesus took our *rejection* that we might receive the Father’s *acceptance* (Ephesians 1: 5–6).
– Jesus was made a *curse* that we might enter into *blessing* (Galatians 3: 13–14).

Pause and reflect on these mighty transformational exchanges and how they may apply in your life. For example, you may feel you are cursed. At the Cross, Jesus actually became a curse for you so you could enter into blessing. Do you struggle with rejection? At the Cross, you receive Jesus’ acceptance, even with all you’ve ever done wrong, or will do wrong in the future.
The Apostle Paul underscored the power of the Cross when he said, *“May I never boast except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ”* (Galatians6: 14).

At the Cross you are released from great, unrelenting burdens. Live near the Cross. It is your gateway to freedom.

Key Verse: *“If we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him” * Romans 6: 8

By John Beckett

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