Dealing with Regrets – Part 1

IF ONLY – Those must be the two saddest words in the world (Mercedes Lackey)

Regret (sadness, yearning, remorse, self hate, self pity, shame) could be about missed opportunity that will never come again or a wrong decision.

Do it or do not do it – regret can come either way ( WHAT IF I had said yes, WHAT IF I had said no).

There can be no FREEDOM in life while we are imprisoned in the shackles of regret.

Jesus said ” You will know the TRUTH and the truth will set you FREE” John 8:32

If you are not experiencing freedom, and are bound by regret, it may be time to allow the truth of God’s love and power to permeate/free/release your mind from the prison of regrets.

The grip of regret grows as it feeds on lies and deception.

Regrets when not addressed can make us live in a prison of our own mind. They can make someone lose perspective of being loved or being loveable.

We may not get over what we regret about, but we can get past what we regret, only by knowing the TRUTH and accepting FREEDOM.

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