Bitterness Part 1

BITTERNESS: A feeling of deep anger and resentment. It is an emotion which encompasses both anger and hate, [Drinking poison and waiting for others to die].

In the same way that poison kills the body, bitterness kills the soul in a slow and painful manner.

Some Psychiatrists are arguing that bitterness be identified as a MENTAL ILLNESS under the name “Post-Traumatic Embitterment Disorder” [PTED], because just like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD], bitterness too is a response to a Trauma that endures/a past hurt. People with PTSD are left fearful and anxious; while embittered people are left seething with revenge (Shari Roan – Bitterness as a mental illness, Los Angeles Times May 2009)

When bitterness takes root in our hearts and minds, it is hard to pull up – root of bitternessHebrews 12:15.  Our hurts or resentments might not be visible on the outside, but under the surface bitterness is taking root, expanding its hold on our soul. Unless uprooted, it will keep on sprouting.

When we choose to forgive those who hurt us, it isn’t because they deserve forgiveness – probably they deserve revenge – but forgiveness releases us from the prison of past pain every time we remember the hurt. Mandela knew though released from a physical prison, he would remain a prisoner of hate unless he forgave and released those who hurt him.

The toxins released in our hearts and minds from bitterness often shut down our ability to be open and receptive to the many blessings and joys around us. Bitterness blocks us from benefiting from the spiritual food that we consume, leaving us weak and empty. That is why so many bitter people may be active in Church – yet are slowly dying inside.

Today, build a wall that keeps the past behind:

Hope looks forward

Faith Steps forward

Love reaches out

Reach out, and someone will remember it ( Darrel Young)

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. (Martin Luther King Jr).

The first and often the only person to be healed by forgiveness is the person who does the forgiving. (Lewis Smedes).

Until we let go, we are not free to move forward.

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