Water from the Rock

Psalms 105:41: “He opened the rock, and water gushed out; it flowed like a river in the desert.”
In Exodus 17, Moses was instructed by God to strike the rock in the desert for the complaining people to drink water that would come from it.
Some time later in Numbers 20, he was again instructed now to speak to the rock for it to bring forth water for the people and the livestock to drink.
God provided water for his people from an unlikely source – a rock in the desert. To them it was just a rock before their eyes -they didn’t know the rock represented God in their midst.
1 Corinthians 10:4b…..”they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.”
Christ in the form of a rock was with the people in the wilderness, and from him came water in abundance, which flew like a river in the desert.
In moments of barrenness in our lives, God is there sometimes in the form of a rock – we just have to approach that rock by faith and it will yield water.
The rock in the desert became the source of life to a whole community. God can use every situation that appears like a rock in our lives, ‘unyielding and barren’ to bring forth provision.
God can use anyone, anything and any situation to glorify himself.
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