When the foundations are destroyed_Part 2

Psalm 11:3 – When the foundations are being destroyed, what will the righteous do?

Isaiah 6:1-8 – Isaiah locates his vision to the year that King Uzziah died, “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord

Who was Uzziah?

2 Chronicles 26:1-22 – History of Uzziah

Judah had known no king like Uzziah since Solomon’s time.

He became king ate age 16 and reigned for 52 years.

Did what was right before God in the beginning.

God gave him great success whenever he sought him.

His fame spread as far as the boarder of Egypt because he had become very powerful.

Built towers, dug cisterns, had much livestock, he loved the soil {passion/zeal}

V11 – Had a well-trained army – 307,500men – a powerful force to support and secure Judah – had shields, spears, helmets, coats of armour, bows, sling stones, machinery t the defence towers for hurling arrows and large stones.

His fame spread far and wide, for he was greatly helped until he became powerful.

V16 – BUT after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the LORD his God by entering into the temple to offer incense.

Azzariah the priest and 80 other courageous priests confronted him to correct the situation, but instead of repenting, he became angry and God struck him with leprosy

He had no other option but to relinquish power to his son Jotham.


He was a priest serving in the royal court and everything appeared okay since Judah was safe under the mighty Uzziah.

But something happened, the powerful king became leprous and later died. The efficient administrator and able military leader was now DEAD.

Through Uzziah, Judah had grown in every way.

The safety, focus, hope and trust of Juhah is gone and now Judah faces the threat of the Assyrian aggression building up in the North.

The throne becomes empty!

Upon Uzziah’s death, the throne in Judah became EMPTY!

A STRONG PILLAR and a FOUNDATION of Judah’s stability is SHAKEN and no more.

At this, Isaiah goes to the temple where he saw another ETERNAL THRONE and ADONAI seated on it – the ETERNAL KING. High exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple.

Above him were Seraphim, each with six wings – with 2 wings they covered their faces, with 2 wings they covered their feet, and with 2 wings they were flying. And they were calling to one another “Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.

***The earthly thrones, fame, power are shaky and temporal. Our eyes should focus on the Eternal Throne which will Never BECOME EMPTY.

The one seated on it is the LORD Almighty, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, King of the Universe, King of the Earth, King of Nations, The Ancient of Days, the Holy one of Israel, the Alpha and the Omega.

***Unless the Lord builds a house the builders labour in vain for it will shake. Psalms 127

***Everything not eternal will be shaken – Hebrews 12:27

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