One Day like This

– On a day like this! Joseph woke up a prisoner ready to execute his daily routine but before the day closed, he become the Prime Minister ( Gen 41: 15 -45).

– On a day like this! Naaman woke up usually with his leprosy but before the day closed, he had been healed and transformed ( 2Kings 5: 9-14).

– On a day like this! David was innocently on the field tending his father’s sheep but before the day closed, he was anointed as a King (1Samuel 16: 13ff).

– On a day like this! Mordecai slept at the palace gate as usual as a gateman but before the day closed, he was brought inside the palace and honoured ( Esther 5 and 6).

– On a day like this! Bartimaeus woke up as usual a blind man but before the day closed, he was able to regain his sight ( 10: 16 -38).

– On a day like this! Daniel slept in the lions Den but by the time, it was morning, he was brought out and promoted to the post of a prime minister (Dan 6: 16-28).

– On a day like this! A woman from Shunem woke up overwhelmed by debts and threats, but by the close of the day, she had paid all the debts and had become rich (2 Kings 4: 1-7).

– On a day like this! Lazarus slept overnight on the grave but by evening, he had risen and came back to life ( John 11: 43 -44).

– On a day like this! The woman with the issue of blood, woke up with her illness but at the close of the day, she was totally healed ( Luke 8:43 – 50).

– On a day like this! Jabez cried unto the Lord and his territories was enlarged (1Chronicles 4: 9-10).

– On a day like this! Elisha prophesied that by this time tomorrow, famine will be over and their will be plenty of food and it came to pass just as he said (2 Kings 7: 1-19).

May today be that day of pleasant surprises and outstanding testimonies for you in Jesus Name!🙏

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