Every woman who walks with God

*Every woman who walks with God has a story to tell*

*Sarah* will tell you, “Nothing is too hard for God”.

*Hagar* will tell you, “Even in the wilderness God is there”

*Rahab* will tell you, “God can use anything”.

*Hannah* will tell you, “My God answers prayers”.

*Ruth* will tell you, “It’s not over until God says so”.

*Esther* will tell you, “God can turn a nobody to a somebody”.

*Elizabeth* will tell you, “You will give birth to greatness”.

*Mary* will tell you, “It shall be unto you according to God’s word”.

The woman with the *issue of blood* will tell you, “When all fails, God never fails”.

*Mary and Martha* will tell you, “Dead things can live again”

*Dorcas* will tell you. “God never forgets”.

Lets have a purpose to walk with God in these trying times and *you* and *me* shall have a story to tell at the end of it all.


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