Haggai 1:2,5,7 Repeatedly states: “Give careful thoughts to your ways”
***(1:1-14, 2:1-9)**
Haggai was a post exilic prophet after the Babylonian exile.
The first group of the exiles following the decree by kin Cyrus the great laid and completed the foundation of the temple within 2 years. Construction of the temple stopped for 16 years following opposition. Under Darius, prophet Haggai urged the people to resume the work of building the temple under Zerubbabel the governor of Judah and Joshua the high priest. Within 4 years, the work was completed and worship/sacrifices resumed.
Satan’s agenda is to make people to become Zombies (thoughtless and spiritually blind beings) by interfering with the soul.
In Genesis 6 we see Satan trying to interfere with the human race. The Nephilims and Anakites were not real humans. In those days, the human inclination was evil.
Romans 1:18-32 talks of prevalent perversion when people reject the truth and start behaving like animals.
When people stop giving careful thoughts to their ways, and turn from God, then perversion increases. Modern perversions include:
Why do people perish?
Refusing to love the truth and be saved.
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