I do solemnly affirm by the one who is Creator and Sustainer of life:
- That I will be faithful to my calling, the profession of chaplaincy;
- That I will respect the religious and spiritual traditions of my patients, colleagues, and neighbors, as well as my own;
- That I will lead my life and practice the art of ministry in an honorable and ethical manner;
- That into whatsoever circumstances I shall enter, it shall be for the well-being of the people entrusted to my care;
- That I will utilize the authority of the pastoral office for the purpose of furthering the unfolding work of God, providing opportunity for all to receive the welcome afforded by grace;
- That I will respect the confidentiality of those who put their trust in me;
- That I will promote peace among all people valuing our diverse gifts and celebrating our common origin; With the One who is Creator and Sustainer of life and with my colleagues in the profession of chaplaincy, I solemnly and freely make this covenant.